Start planning your basement remodeling project in Bismarck, ND

An unfinished basement is a waste of square footage. Luckily, UltraBuild Construction Inc in Bismarck, ND can manage your basement remodeling project. Our basement finishing contractor will come out to look at your space and provide a free estimate, and we'll handle everything from demo to cleanup. You can even trust us to insulate your space.
Call 701-934-0766 today to arrange for your free estimate.

Offering comprehensive remodeling services

If you hire our basement finishing contractor, you won't have to worry about a single step of your project. We'll tackle every part of your remodel, including:

  • Handling any necessary demolition work
  • Restructuring your basement to create a spacious living area
  • Installing HVAC equipment and updating plumbing and electrical work

Throughout your project, we'll make sure everything is up to code, and we'll keep your space clean. To get started on your basement remodeling project, set up a consultation today.

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